Specialized Training
As a service to our members, the NIGA Seminar Institute offers training for all casino departments, tribal leaders and regulators. We offer regulatory training, state developments in Internet Gaming, and specialized training topics throughout the year.

Level 1
This course is an introductory level training for gaming regulators, commissioners, tribal leadership, and gaming industry personnel interested in the responsibilities of regulating a tribal government gaming facility.
Indian Gaming Regulatory Act: An Introduction This course will discuss the introduction of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act. The history of Indian Gaming.
Tribal Gaming Regulatory Agency: Purpose, Functions and Structures This course will provide an overview of the standard functions of your regulatory agency.
Anatomy of a Gaming Machine This course will discuss the various parts of a slot machine, some of the regulations for those parts, and the reasoning while these regulations exist and what they mean.
Gaming Compacts & Compact Compliance This session will provide an overview of gaming compacts with states and the processes of complying to those compacts through regulation
Basic Principles of Casino Accounting The different Accounting functions in a Casino, Types of Financial Statements, AICPA Audit and Accounting Guide, Gaming, What makes Casino Accounting different? Red Flag indicators, financial-related
Auditing: Financial Audits What is an audit?, What is in a financial audit report? Sample Financial Statements for a Tribal Casino, What financial auditors do when they perform an audit, What are Agreed-Upon Procedures? What types of agreed-upon procedures are performed for a Tribal Casino?
What's the Big Deal - MICs An introduction to the Minimum Internal Control Standards outlined in IGRA
Managing a Tribal Gaming Regulatory Authority This course examines the many challenges faced by the Regulator in the day-to-day, year-to-year management of a tribal gaming agency. Topics include agency organization, staff administration and oversight, strategic planning, budgetary management, agency-to-government communication, agency self-evaluation, and tips for avoiding common political pitfalls associated with the regulation of Indian gaming.
Introduction to Enforcement Actions This course will examine the various steps of enforcment, it will discss compliance, non compliance and violtions.
Rules of the Games – Classification of Games This class will discuss the classification of games under the Indian Gaming Rgulatory Act.

Level 2
Journey of Submission This course will go over how a submission starts at a test laboratory. We will discuss what is required for a submission, go over some of the regulations for testing, what testing a laboratory will do, and what the information on a report means. By the end, attendees will have a general knowledge of testing practices by test laboratories.
Employment Issues for Regulators
Tribal Sovereign Immunity and The Gaming Regulator This course examines the fundamental principles of Tribal Sovereign Immunity and its affect on tribal commercial activities, tribal officials, civil jurisdiction, and the regulation of Indian gaming.
Licensing: Key Employees & Primary Officials This course examines the statutory and regulatory basis for licensing Key Employees and Primary Management Officials as an industry requirement, as well as various components of background investigations, suitability determinations, NIGC submissions, and the ongoing regulation of licensees.
Effective Regulatory Writing This course examines various tools to help the Regulator identify proper format, structure, content, and tone for various types of regulatory and administrative writings, with the goal of crafting clean, compelling, and effective written communications for specific audiences and purposes.
Licensing: Vendors & Facilities This course examines principles and methods of licensing gaming and non-gaming providers of casino goods and services, whether by statutory mandate, compact requirement, or industry best practices. The course also discusses various aspects of licensing gaming facilities, including public health and safety standards, facility inspections, and ongoing facility maintenance.
Internal Auditing-What's Required & How it Should Be Approached What is Internal Audit?, What are the steps in performing Internal Audit?, Risk Assessments, Red Flag Warnings, Differences between Regulations for Class II and Class III Gaming, Minimum requirements and sampling, Report writing techniques
Financial Controls & Accounting Standards Financial Statements for a Tribal Casino, Common internal control weaknesses in Accounts Payable and Payroll, Accounting Standards for Tribal Casinos, Common internal control weaknesses in Accounts Payable and Payroll
Accounting Standards for Tribal Casinos, AICPA Audit and Accounting Guide, Gaming and what your auditors do when they audit financial statements, Free-Play reporting, Regulatory overview
Roles of Surveillance Cheats & Scams This course will examine various types of cheats and scams that could happen on the gaming floor. This course is a hands on demonstration as well as lecture format.

Level 3
Effective Regulation of Gaming This course will look at the advanced understanding of tribal law, federal law and state rules in understanding tribal gaming as well as understanding and identify relationships between tribal council, gaming commission, gaming enterprise and officials from the federal and state governments.
Hearings and Appeals This course will look at the advanceds aspects of a hearing and appeal in the Tribal Gaming Industry. Learn some of the common mistakes that can derail your process.
Employment Issues for Gaming Regulators This course examines the advanced principals of employment issues and conflict resolution. Advanced interpretation of employee benefits; effective hiring; evaluation, and termination procedures; methods to resolve employment disputes in and out of court; discrimination and workplace employment.
Avoiding and Detecting Fraud The objective of this workshop is to provide advanced knowledge and skills to plan and implement a fraud and corruption control framework and manage the relevant risks to the gaming industry.
Conflict Management This course will analyze and understand the key practical and theoretical concepts of managing and resolving conflicts. Articulate the theoretical and practical components of negotiation and mediation and explain the link between effective negotiation skills and effective leadership.
Title 31/OFAC Title 31 of the U.S. Code of Regulations has required financial institutions to assist U.S. government agencies to detect and prevent money laundering by keeping records of large cash transactions and to report suspicious activity that might signify money laundering, tax evasion, or other criminal activities, such as terrorist financing. Casinos are required to comply with the Title 31 regulation by reporting large currency transactions and suspicious activity reports.
Managing a Tribal Gaming Regulatory Agency This course will examine the advance principles and methods of Managing a Tribal Gaming Regulatory Agency. Provide an understanding of the role of the gaming commission and an understanding of TGRA responsibilities with respect to submissions and dealings with NIGC.
Surveillance Frauds, Threats & Vulnerabilities This course looks at the most prevalant threats in the gaming industry and to provide advanced information on how to identify and take action against threats to critical infrastructure both inside and outside of the facility.